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Look up to the north here to discover the final Crossbow Target of the Insula Isles. Continue east along the southern edge to the next Sparkly Spot containing a Cherry Blossom Petal before heading into the northeast corner. Begin by turning around from you current position to face the shack and spot the first Crossbow Target dangling from the roof.

Head west of the Ore gathering point here to find the Magic Key Door, unlock it and open the chest to obtain a Banishing Blade. You will receive the Magic Key after defeating Dora-in-Grey in. The army of the undead swarms the streets of Swordhaven.

The Magic Key - These doors are shown as red lock icons on the map. Here you can find out when you get Zoom, the Magic Key, and the Ultimate Key.

Wondering when you get some of the iconic Dragon Quest staples that make your adventuring easier in Dragon Quest XI? Here you can find out when you get Zoom, the Magic Key, and the Ultimate Key. Looking for more general advice? If you're more advanced, we've also got some great pages on and. Note: This guide will have minor spoilers city names. Zoom is even better in Dragon Quest XI, as you can also go to the various campsites around the world. Also, you no longer hit your head if you cast Zoom indoors, so you can use the spell in most places dungeons included without issue. As for obtaining the spell, you get it relatively early in the game. After the events of Hotto, one of your new party members will teach you the spell. The Magic Key The Magic Key has been a staple for many Dragon Quest titles, allowing you to open some but not all locked doors. The party will automatically receive the Magic Key after the events of Phnom Nonh. The Ultimate Key The Ultimate Key is as ultimate as the name states--with it, you can open any door across Erdrea, including the ones you see with the silver keyholes. Open it up and grab the Ultimate Key!


They are being dropped out of the giant flying castle above the city. These doors are shown as red lock icons on the map. With all the Magic Key Doors open now, sail north from Insula Occidentalis into the frozen land in front you and disembark in Sniflheim. A North American release on iOS and Android followed in May 2014. Continue east along the southern edge to the next Sparkly Spot containing a Cherry Blossom Petal before heading into the northeast corner. Continue east along the southern edge to the next Sparkly Spot containing a Cherry Blossom Petal before heading into the northeast corner. Begin by turning around from you current position to face the shack and spot the first Crossbow Target dangling from the roof.