What Year Is Your E-Z-GO?

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Carts made in the 1970s up until 1975 are much harder to decipher. In late 1982 they changed the board to one with a corner cut off with the resistors attached to the trailing edge of the board. This system is much harder to decipher. Club Car©, Club Car© Precedent©, and Club Car© DS© are registered trademarks of Ingersoll Rand, Inc.

These motors were either GE of Prestolite. Cart Parts uses suppliers of aftermarket parts as well as ones from select OEM's. It would appear that the first two numbers on the Serial Number of this cart are indicating the year but not so on the example of the 1972 above.

What Year Is Your E-Z-GO? - We thank you for your visit to our website. Prior to 1976, the serial number plate was under the driver's side seat, just behind the battery closest to the driver, or on the fender skirt.

After 1976, and upto the year 1993, the serial number used to be placed beneath the side dash board of the passenger. Some of the actual cart examples include: 79J01-188254, 78O516-155671 and 79A12-161603. An example is: J0196 is a 1996. Useful Hints to Locate the Vehicle: In the year 1954, the first car came out. In the year 1980, the supports of this car were changed from round to square and the top size was increased from 48 inches to 54 inches. Also the X leg top was terminated. EZGO Spirit, a 2 seater, was manufactured in the year 1986, wrapped around the front bumper and windshield, accompanied with the recessed tail and head lights. EZGO Liberty was manufactured firstly in the year 1986. The design was quite similar to the the Spirit, however it was a 4 seater. EZGO Fleet was manufactured firstly in the year 1986. The design was quite similar to the standard golf course model. EZGO Freedom, having lights was manufactured firstly in the year 1988. From the year 1988 to the mid 1994, the carts hold two different seat backs, having no hand hold on its top. This was the Marathon Model with the metallic body and a plastic front bumper. From the year 1994 to the year 1999, the Medalist model with steel body, holds a seat back. From 1996 to the modern ones, the plastic body carts also known as the TXT Model, having the single seat back were manufactured. Some Extra hints to Locate the traditional gas carts: From the year 1971 to the year 1975, EZGO employed a 175cc 17-CES 1PG Robin engine having 4 head bolts. Having an internal starter generator, the engine was painted in blue. In the year 1976, the model EC25-DS 244c Robin engine came out. This black painted engine having 6 head bolts was manufactured by made by Fugi Heavy Industries. The EC25-2PG engine model was brought into use until the year 1988. However, in 1981 the electronic ignition was evolved. There was just a single model manufactured in the year 1983. Here we got a unique engine with muffler lied down. However, in the year 1984, the stand back muffler again came into use!


This was a one year only. This engine had six head bolts. The serial number is three letters ending in an N. E-Z-GO Golf Carts prior to 1976 On E-Z-GO golf carts prior to 1976, you can find the serial number plate on the fender skirt under the driver's side seat. They used this numbering system up until 1983 when they went to the last two number scheme which they still use. And we also think you arrived here were searching for these details, are not You. Example: J0195 is a 1995.